Archive | December, 2014

November-December 2014

19 Dec

It’s been several weeks since we were discharged from the hospital for Cameron’s Fontan surgery. We have also passed the fat free diet restriction of 6 weeks and back to a semi normal diet but we are trying to take it easy into the fat. We had a follow up cardiology appointment where the medications were adjusted 8 hour Captopril to 12 hour Enalapril and some meds were lowered as well as stopped like the Zantac and the 8 hour Sildenafil. We are still on half a tablet of Aspirin Daily, 12 hour Enalapril, Daily Lasix and Daily Coumadin.

We have been getting blood work weekly to try and balance the Coumadin level but it keeps coming up low. Cam has had a few meltdowns over getting the shot which he calls a pinch. Cam has a horrible time when we get into the lab room, but he recovers fast and goes on with his day. We had a miserable time at the last Cardiology visit where we had to do the Echo and ekg. These are simple and non-invasive tests where they do not hurt you but Cam was so upset about laying down in the bed, I could hardly handle my own emotions as he screamed in fear of the wires touching him.

Anyway we had a great Thanksgiving even with the fat free diet restriction which ended the first week of December, thank goodness. We took advantage of the beautiful weather and used our gift certificates to the global wildlife center to go on a jeep ride. Cam got to touch a giraffe up close and personal on the jeep tour it is definitely a great experience to try. Christmas has just past and was incredible to say the least. We were all to eager to get him anything he asked for and so many family and friends helped pour in the gifts that he has rightfully earned this year. THANK YOU!!!

It was a joy to see him indulge in Christmas and he even took well to sitting with Santa telling him exactly what was on his wish list. The wish list got longer as days rolled by but he stayed pretty consistent for wanting the puppy ball pet off tv and the max tow truck that pulls people among many other super hero toy requests. Don’t worry he got them and then more… Sparky our elf on the shelf was a big hit with his imagination too dressing up as new super heroes and villains each day. Cam even made special costume requests which was adorable to see his excitement each morning.

We decided to announce Cameron will be a big brother next year around the end of May 2015. We will get an ultrasound around 20 weeks to check for everything in the new baby Mogg that can possibly be seen at this stage like we did for Cam just to be cautious. Hoping the best… Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!


























